Modern workplaces

Robotic rehabilitation

The aim of robotic rehabilitation is to help patients who are limited in their movement, due to a number of medical conditions.

We have 12 robotic devices that effectively help to increase the mobility of both the upper and lower limbs. The patient performs certain movement tasks where their limbs are sensed by sensors, and the tasks are then evaluated. The physiotherapist monitors the effect of the entire therapy session directly on the monitor.


AMADEO is a robotic device for improving finger movement. It is suitable for patients with a neurological disease or stroke. Exercising on the device helps the patient to improve his limited mobility in the hand or individual fingers. The device records the simulation of grasping movements and provides a measurement of the isometric forces.


ANDAGO is a robotic gait facilitator designed for orthopaedic and neurological patients with movement disorders. It has a quick and easy start-up. The machine allows the patient to walk, without having to push or lean with the upper limbs. It automatically follows his/her movement, without the need for a therapist's cooperation.


MYRO is a device for patients with a reduced function in their upper limb, hand or fingers. The device responds to rotational movement, traction and pressure. The device is height adjustable and the therapy can be performed in a sitting or standing position.


TYROSTATION - Pablo System, Tymo R System, Tyrostation device for improving the balance reactions of stroke patients. It can be used for balance therapy, training of the symmetrical loading of limbs, improvement of the control and coordination of movement, training of spatial perception and logical reasoning.


C-MILL is a device suitable for advanced therapy of the lower limbs in the case of neurological and orthopaedic problems. It is complemented by a lightening system that relieves the patient along the entire length of the waist. It is based on a step cycle, in the form of a virtual reality on-screen where the patient reacts to a specific movement.

Erigo Pro

ERIGO PRO is used for the verticalisation and mobilisation of bedridden patients. Together with an integrated robotic stepping mechanism, it enables movement of the lower limbs and stimulates walking. The vertical position minimises secondary adverse changes and damage, especially in the musculoskeletal, nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Armeo Spring

ARMEO SPRING is a device for improving the mobility of the upper limbs, in order to preserve and restore their motor abilities. It is suitable for patients after stroke, brain injuries or other neurological diseases. The patient performs specifically targeted movement tasks in a virtual environment.


VIBRAMOOV is a device designed for immobile patients whose ability to feel vibrations has been preserved. The principle is based on vibrations that lead to a signal of the limb movement to the brain. The aim is to preserve sensory-motor interactions in the patient, improve coordination, regulate muscle activity and enable movement exercises.

Laser M8

Laser M8 - Uses a combination of low and high laser beam energy via a pulse. Designed for the treatment of post-traumatic tissue damage and tendon inflammation, joint and spinal pain, swelling, and hematomas in fractures. It has a strong analgesic, anti-oedemic and bio-stimulant effect.

Elektroterapia BTL

BTL electrotherapy - A non-invasive therapeutic method that uses the passage of an electric current through the body’s tissues. The electric current is passed through the patient’s skin using electrodes. It makes a significant contribution to the treatment of muscular and nervous system dysfunctions, acute and chronic pain, and the treatment of post-traumatic conditions.