Return to the sports field and the road to recovery for a professional handball player in a specialised rehabilitation hospital

11. 9. 2024
After sports injuries, the road to full recovery is often long and difficult. For many athletes, both amateur and professional, each injury can be a challenge that takes them out of the game for a period of time. Oliver Orosz, an athlete who underwent a complicated rehabilitation at the AGEL Bratislava Hospital after an Achilles tendon surgery and is now preparing to return to the field in the Police Sports Club, knows this.
Return to the sports field and the road to recovery for a professional handball player in a specialised rehabilitation hospital

In the past, he had both Achilles tendons torn, which required difficult surgery, treatment and subsequent rehabilitation. Although this time the surgery was not as extensive as the Achilles tendon tear, the athlete had to undergo a series of exercises to improve function and range of motion. Rehabilitation began three weeks after surgery. Working with a physiotherapist, he focused on techniques to improve range of motion and strengthen muscle mass. The rehabilitation also included laser therapy and magnet therapy to accelerate wound healing. "We started with isometric exercises to build up muscle strength and strengthen the tendon overall. Later, we moved into functional movement training, where we got to the stage of being able to run. In this phase we performed a diagnostic on the C-MILL robotic device, where we found a lack of rebound from the operated leg," describes the rehabilitation process physiotherapist Mgr. Matúš Šíma.

To the layman, the term "stepping stone" may be unfamiliar. In handball, as in many other sports, players usually use the opposite foot to their dominant hand when rebounding. Thus, for right-handed players, it is often the left foot. This leg is more stressed when rebounding, which means that it must be in full condition for the player to be able to safely and efficiently execute their movements on the court. "In this case, it was essential that the rehabilitation returned the leg's functionality not only to 100%, but even to 120%, in order to make a return to the court possible," continues physiotherapist Mgr. Matúš Šíma.

One of the main benefits provided by AGEL Bratislava Hospital is the individual approach of a physiotherapist who has experience with athletes. "Athletes need specific care because their return to the sports field requires not only the restoration of basic functions, but also a return to performance at the highest level. The physiotherapist in this case understood the differences between the rehabilitation of an ordinary patient and a top athlete, which contributed significantly to a faster and better recovery," appreciates the patient, handball player Oliver Orosz, who before the betrayal was a member of the largest handball club in Slovakia - the Sport Club of the Police.

In addition to the individual approach, he appreciates the high-tech equipment in the medical facility. "The hospital has advanced equipment such as robotic devices, laser therapy and other technologies that help patients recover faster. It is crucial for athletes to have access to such equipment as soon as possible after an injury as any delay can prolong their recovery. The road to recovery after injury can be challenging, but with the help of experts and modern technology, it is possible to achieve success and return to the sports field ready for the next challenge," adds Oliver Orosz.